Thursday, November 27, 2008

Kelsi's Award

Every month at Southside Elementary a child from each class receives an award for working hard and improving their grades. Kelsi has done so well improving her reading and writing this last month. Her teacher says she NEVER GIVES UP!
You go girl!

Kelsi has been working so hard!


This was our picture of the world outside our big bay window in the
kitchen Wednesday morning.
It was quite a sight!

The sky began like this. We were in awe as we watched it Wednesday morning as the girls ate breakfast before heading off on the bus to school. It was absolutely breathtaking!
As the morning went on, the sky changed from deep oranges and reds to pinks and purples, filling the sky with amazing color!

What a beautiful sight!!!



IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITuesday night Heidi had her Gymnastics program. She rocked for all to see. She did onehanded cartwheels and back-walk-overs in her floor routine. She flipped around the big bar, and did a somersault on the high beam. It was a fun night for all!

Great Job little Heidi!

Heidi posed for us on the beam.

I'm not sure how she stays on with socks.

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHere's Heidi flipping up those legs into a cartwheel. Her cartwheels are actually much better than this, but the instructers were putting the mats away faster than we could get a picture, so she had to attempt a cartwheel for me on this big thick beam mat. I'd say she did a pretty good job :)!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Cydney's Basketball '08

Cydney had a great time in basketball this year. She has been doing the recreation basketball since 3rd grade and enjoyed this year best, by far! Maybe it had something to do with being undefeated, but we believe it had a whole lot to do with the coach and his coaching skills. He had some pretty fun plays and was able to get the girls to make them work. It was fun watching Cydney have so much fun out there - making shots, blocking shots, and smiling :)! These picts are from the very last game Thursday night, which she just happened to play Kylie's team (the other tough team in the league).

Cydney and Kylie guarded each other quite a bit durning this game. Cydney is number 19 and Kylie number 8.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our boys with hair :)

Oh Yeah!

Happy Birthday!

For FHE last night we had the kids dress in black and create letters for Happy Birthday. We want to wish Grandma Marj a happy 93rd birthday today, Matthew Henretty (who is serving a mission in ) a happy 23rd birthday on Friday, and Lorie a happy 27th birthday on the 21st.

Visit from Fernandez Family


Here we are in the beautiful Big Horns with our friends from Arizona -
enjoying the fresh air and amazing snowy scenery.

Ryan would love to get out and play, but since he is not quite walking yet he has to wait for someone with a free hand
- or two :)

CJ had a taste.

Mercedez does not stop.

Heidi and Hunter had a ball!

And ate it too :)

Everyone worked together to make Bearlodge a snowman. It had snowed the night before while we were sleeping, so we had lots of fresh snow for creating our masterpiece.

After making the snowman, we packed up and headed down the mountain. We pulled off a bit down the road and played some more.

Ryan snoozed until we got down the mountain.

The other kids played and played. This time they made a snowchair.

Check out those hands.

Ty and Ryan are always fun to have around! Never a dull moment.

T and Lisa hung back and enjoyed the snow. We had so much fun watching the kids roll around, make snow angels, take a few tastes, make big snow balls, and have snowball fights. It looked like they just had a BLAST!

We can't wait for them to come back and visit!!!